- Office of Secretary
- Policy and Planning Division
- GovBiz Service Center
- Human Resource Division
- Finance Division
- Procurement Section
- Legal Service Division
- ICT Services
Karma Tshering Secretary Contact: 02-322665 Email: karmatshering@moenr.gov.bt |
Tashi Wangmo PA to Secretary Contact: 322665 Email: tashiw@moenr.gov.bt |
Wangdi Driver Contact: 17637988 Email: wangdidhps@gmail.com |
Sherab Zangmo Chief Planning Officer Contact: NA Email: szangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Tshering Dhendup Dy.Chief Planning Officer (Offtg. CPO) Contact: NA Email: trdhendup@moenr.gov.bt |
Tshering Sonam Wangmo Statistical Officer Contact: NA Email: tswangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Jigme Lhendup Planning Officer Contact: 17470702 Email: jigmel@moenr.gov.bt |
Khedrup Dorji Asst. Planning Officer Contact: 17698237 Email: khedrupd@moenr.gov.bt |
Ugyen Rinzin Deputy Chief Program Officer (Offtg. CPO) Contact No# 339654 Email: urinzin@moha.gov.bt |
Ram Bahadur Mongar Deputy Chief Forestry Officer Contact No# 332608 Email: rbmongaar@moenr.gov.bt |
Sonam Deki Chief HR Officer Contact: 333556/17721229 Email: sdeki@moenr.gov.bt |
Pema Chezom Dy. Chief HR Officer Contact: 17666888 Email: pchezom@moenr.gov.bt |
Dorji Wangmo Asst. HR Officer Contact: 325742 Email: dorjiwangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Ashish Biswa Asst. HR Officer Contact: 17389208/77848427 Email: abiswa@moenr.gov.bt |
Deki Dema Asst. HR Officer Contact: 17451521 Email: dekid@moenr.gov.bt |
Pema Wangmo Asst. HR Officer Contact: 77888715 Email: pwangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Phub Tenzin Sr. Admin. Asst. III Contact: 17600828 Email: phubtenzin@moenr.gov.bt |
Cheten Zangmo Sr. Adm. Assistant Contact: 335041 Email: chetenzangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Sherab Pelzom Adm. Assistant Contact: 336748 Email: spelzom@moenr.gov.bt |
Namgay Pem Sr. Admin. Asst. IV On EOL Contact: 17610451 Email: namgaypem@moenr.gov.bt |
Sangay Lhamo Admin. Asst. I Contact: 17731038 Email: sangayl@moenr.gov.bt |
Ugyen Choden Personal Asst. I Contact: 17559495 Email: ugyenchoden@moenr.gov.bt |
Gyembo Chief Finance Officer Contact: 17621922/325824 Email: gyembo@moenr.gov.bt |
Jamyang Gyeltshen Sr. Finance Officer Contact: 77778882 Email: jamyangg@moenr.gov.bt |
Man Maya Gurung Accounts Assistant Contact: 17640114 Email: mmgurung@moenr.gov.bt |
Parbati Giri Accounts Assistant Contact: 17768326 Email: pgiri@moenr.gov.bt |
Nima Chozaom Accounts Assistant Contact: 17767308 Email: nimachhozom@gmail.com |
Dorji Dema Accounts Assistant Contact: 17731338 Email:dorjid@moenr.gov.bt |
Ugyen Dema Accounts Assistant Contact: 17423502 Email: udema@moenr.gov.bt |
Karma Yangden Accounts Assistant Contact: 17600258 Email: kyangden@moenr.gov.bt |
Dechen Zangmo Accounts Assistant Contact: 17618870 Email: dechenz@moenr.gov.bt |
Kinley Tenzin Accounts Assistant Contact: 17613807 Email: kinleyt@moenr.gov.bt |
Dechen Wangmo Accounts Assistant Contact: 17603854 Email: dechenw909@gmail.com |
Sonam Yangki Accounts Assistant Contact: 17612474 Email: sonamyangki2474@gmail.com |
Sherab Lodhen Procurement Officer Contact: 334217 Email: slhoden@moenr.gov.bt |
Tshering Wangmo Asst. Procurement Officer Contact: 324217 Email: tsheringwangmo4003@gmail.com |
Pema Dhendhup Store Asst. Contact: 324217 Email: pema888dhendup@gmail.com |
Nawang Yangchen Sr. Store Keeper Contact: 339962 Email: ngawangyangchen@moenr.gov.bt |
Nima Om Chief Legal Officer Contact: NA Email: nimaom@moenr.gov.bt |
Chencho Zangmo Deputy Chief Legal Officer Contact: Email: czangmo@moenr.gov.bt |
Kunzang Rinzin Deputy Chief Legal Officer Contact: NA Email: kunzangrinzin@moenr.gov.bt |
Sonam Youden Legal Officer Contact: NA Email: syouden@moenr.gov.bt |
Sonam Peday Zam Legal Officer Contact: Email: spzam@moenr.gov.bt |
Dema Tshering Legal Officer Contact: Email: dtshering@moner.gov.bt |
Bettu Sr. Technical Associate Contact: NA Email: bettu@tech.gov.bt |
Choki Nima Sr. Technical Associate Contact: NA Email: cnima@tech.gov.bt |