Department of Energy
- National Transmission Grid Master Plan 2018
- Power System Master Plan-2040
With Technical Assistance from JICA, Japan, the formulation of Power System Master Plan 2040 was completed in 2019. Please contact the Focal Person at for accessing the documents. - Domestic Tariff Projection 2040
- Bhutan Energy Data Directory 2015
- Bhutan’s Energy Data Directory 2022
- Building energy efficiency (Main Report)
- EE Roadmap (Draft)
- Final Transport EE report
- Macro-economic Impact of EEC Policy in Bhutan
- Technical Specifications of Energy Efficient Appliances
- Desk Research on Various Heating System for Schools
- Painting Booklet
- Performance Assessment report on EEHS Final
- Standards and Labeling Scheme
- Executive Summary of 500 kW Lunana Mini Hydropower Project, DPR
- Energy Auditing and Reporting Guidelines (Buildings)
- Energy Auditing and Reporting Guidelines (Industries)
- SDG7 Roadmap for Bhutan_Final
GovBiz Service Center
Department of Environment & Climate Change
Department of Water (DoW)
Department of Geology and Mines (DGM)
NAPA II landslide Reports and Maps
- Arong Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment Report and Map
- Barsa Watershed Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment Report and Maps
- Box Cutting Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment Report and Map
- Landslide Monitoring Report of Arong Moshi Phongmey Landslides
- Landslide Monitoring Report of Tsimasham Reldri Box-Cutting Landslides
- Moshi Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment Report and Maps
Geosciences and Mining Journal
Adaptation Fund Project (DoW)